Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2006

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Ellen Imdieke
Wayne Middle School
Wayne, NE USA

We decorated 130 bags!

About our project: Hi, We decorted 130 bags this year which is the number of 5th and 6th graders. We took digital pictures but I didn't want to send the pictures without permission. Didn't get around to getting a notice sent to parents. Hopefully next year I will put the cart before the horse and get permission before I take the picture. Thanks again for a fun project. Ellen Imdieke

submitted on 5/6/2006

Marie Rourke
Kennedy School
Omaha, NE USA

We decorated 400 bags!

About our project: Howard Kennedy School partnered with Baker's Grocery Store on North 30th Street to decorate grocery bags for Earth Day, 2006. The 213 students enjoyed decorating the bags with environmental slogans and pictures. Kennedy Tigers care about our planet, Earth!

submitted on 4/22/2006

Nancy Meyer
Wahoo elementary
Wahoo, NE USA

We decorated 64 bags!

About our project: I found out about this project on the web, and proposed it to my daughter's school just one day before we did it. Two kindergarten classes and one third grade class were involved. The kids had a great time. The local newspaper took pictures and may run a story week of 4/23/06. After the bags were decorated I stapled a list of local recycling centers on the back and returned them to the store. The store was happy to help out. The most fun was helping the kids brainstorm decorating ideas and seeing their creativity as they thought about helping the earth.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/21/2006