Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2005

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Dana Palermo
Girl Scouts
Shelton, CT USA

We decorated 400 bags!

About our project: This project was a last minute discovery for us-- with the Shelton Service Unit in Shelton CT serving over 800 registered Girl Scouts, volunteers were able to get the bags out, decorated and returned in a short limited time. Some colored with crayons, some markers and some very ambitious troops using bright and bold poster paints. All designs were beautiful with the message being perfectly clear- Preserve our natural resources and protect the earth. Many older Girl Scout troops (ages 11-17) used this opportunity to spend time mentoring the younger Girl Scouts (ages 5 and up) so in addition to putting their efforts towards a very good cause- Girls were spending time with girls. Lots of fun was had by all, we hope for a more successful contrubution in 2006 where we hope to make this idea contagious and get our public school system involved. Thank you for brainstorming this.

submitted on 2/3/2006

Mariah McDonald
South Widsor Child Development Center
South Windsor, CT USA

We decorated 75 bags!

About our project: We decorated our Earth Day Bags while the kids had the week off from school for April vacation. (I work in a daycare). We have a ongoing project called Be a Hero, where the kids do something positive for their community, so I coordinated that project with the bag decorating. It helped to use a local grocery store, where a lot of the parents shopped. Normally, my classroom is 3rd-5th grade, but due to vacation, all the elementary kids from 1st and up were together, and the bag project was easily adaptable for each kid's skill level. We even had a classroom contest for the nicest bags, to promote quality bags, not just writing Earth Day on them. All in all, my first experience with this project was very successful, and I will continue this project as long as I am teaching!!

submitted on 4/28/2005

Christine Farrales
Joseph Melillo Middle School
East Haven, CT USA

We decorated 60 bags!

About our project: As an introduction to our study of Ecology, my students illustrated brown paper bags with messages about the importance of protecting the environment.

submitted on 4/25/2005

Jon Haight
Stratford, CT USA

We decorated 411 bags!

About our project: Students in all grade levels participated in making some really great bags. Franklin School would like to thank Shaws of Stratford for their support. Thanks to all the students that made extra bags. A special thanks to room 18. Your work is appreciated.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/15/2005

Kim Bloom
Naugatuck, CT USA

We decorated 75 bags!

About our project: We are studying ecology and ran across your project. I am doing it with my team this year and hope to get the whole school involved for next year. We used a local neighborhood store which was great because all the children know where the store is and can go with their parents to see the bags. The owner of the store gets more business and every one is happy. There were no logo's on the bags which helped in the children in the decorating. They were recycled bags too.

submitted on 4/15/2005