Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2000

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Stephanie Lightfoot
Franklin Elementary School
Mt. Airy , NCUSA

We decorated 600 bags!

About our project: I first saw the project when I was doing an internship in Education at Bethel Elementary School, in Bethel, NC. The project is one that can be used to help kids feel like they are a part of a very important activity Recycling. Most of the classes participated in this event and the bags were wonderful. This was a great way to remind the community to make every day Earth Day!

submitted on 1/19/2001

Janice Gardner
Parkton School
Parkton, NCUSA

We decorated 700 bags!

About our project: Over 700 students at Parkton School decorated bags to be used (reused) at the Corner Grocery here in our small rural community. Mr. Horace Parnell, former mayor, has helped us with this project for the past two years. The students completed the project during art class with our art teacher Ms. Nancy Johnson. Several students helped deliver the bags the week of Earth Day. This is a worhtwhile project that really had the students thinking about their earth.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 6/6/2000

Mrs. Grady's Class
Rosewood Middle School
Goldsboro, NCUSA

We decorated 70 bags!

About our project: This note comes to you from classrrom #31 at Rosewood Middle School in Goldsboro, NC. Our class has participated in a variety of lessons, activities and projects associated with Earth Day 2000. We recycled egg shells and used them in an art project for Easter. We decorated eggs using homemade dye. We then completed probability problems in math that ended with an Easter egg hunt. After collecting the eggs we shared them with a neighbor in the classroom, until everyone had the same number of eggs. The fun part of this was we gave and received without talking! We reworked a small garden area at our school. Our principal, Mr. Sauls, helped us get some tools and supplies. We also recycled newspapers to use in our garden. A local nursery, Casey's Garden Center, donated flowers and ground cover, too! We completed estimation and budgeting problems in math class. We also wrote a summary about planting and maintaining our garden area. The Rosewood Foodliner used 70 Earth Day 2000 bags in their store, that we decorated for them. In preparation for Mother's Day, and as a concluding activity for our unit, we planted flowers in recycled pots to give as gifts. We have really enjoyed our Earth Day Unit and look forward to participating again next year! Happy Planting! Classroom #31 Rosewood Middle School

submitted on 5/1/2000

Julie Bordo
Forest Hills Elementary
Wilmington, NCUSA

We decorated 416 bags!

About our project: We had someone from the Forestry department come to the school and speak to 4th and 5th graders. They in turn participated in a poster contest about the importance of trees. All of the students later participated in an Earth Day Poster assignment which were displayed throughout the school, and the Grocery Bag project. Our bags were decorated with slogans in both English and Spanish in order to reach our hispanic population in the area. This is our second year in this project and we have received many compliments from customers from the grocery store who call the school to praise the students for the work they are doing in the area of recycling and awareness about Earth Day.

submitted on 4/30/2000

Christine Lavallee
Wright School
Durham, NCUSA

We decorated 23 bags!

About our project: We celebrated Earth Day with a small Earth Day Fair. One of our booths was for decorating Earth Day Grocery Bags! The kids did a great job, and the people at the grocery store thought it was a terrific idea!

submitted on 4/27/2000
