Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2003

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Debbie Holzman
Kipling School
Deerfield, IL USA

We decorated 288 bags!

About our project: Kipling School decorated 288 bags from Whole Foods Market in Deerfield, Illinois. The PTO and teachers worked together to encourage students to participate. Every classroom took part in the project! Other environmental awareness activities were conducted in the classrooms throughout the weeks surrounding Earth Day.

submitted on 6/3/2003

P Thacher
Mt Carroll Elementary
Mt Carroll, IL USA

We decorated 164 bags!

About our project: We live in a rural community of less than 2,000 people. When our decorated bags hit the town's single grocery store, requests for paper bags go way up! In our small town, we know most of the kids who have signed (first name only) the bags they've decorated.

submitted on 5/7/2003

Harriet Potoka
Daystar School
Chicago, IL USA

We decorated 75 bags!

About our project: This is our first year participating. The students enjoyed decorating the bags. It was great to be able to download the PowerPoint presentation to present the project to the students and motivate them to do well.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 5/1/2003

JoAnne Marsh Kathy Murphy
Ebinger Elementary School
Chicago, IL USA

We decorated 400 bags!

About our project: What a great day. The students brainstormed their ideas to help our earth. Then they illustrated and colored their grocery bag. Wow! Did they turn out great. The grocery were distributed at Jerry's Fruit Market on Earth Day. It was reported that the customers were happy. They all walked out with smiles on their faces.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/30/2003

Brenda Leenerts
Brenda's Country Daycare
Clayton, IL USA

We decorated 12 bags!

About our project: Brenda's Country Daycare Kids did earthday bags with local home town Grocer. The children collected bags and decorated them, as well as made terrariums from recycled individual apple sauce containers, and also made flower vases from used Sunny D bottles. The children created a matching game with garbage cans and the materials that go into them. One can was for aluminum, for glass, and another was for paper products. They also did activity sheets and made puppets. At the end of the day the children had a plant delivered to te Grocery store owner and thank you for helping spread the word on recycling to others on Earth day. Daycare Provider Brenda Leenerts

submitted on 4/28/2003
