Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2005

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Marti Franti
Lincoln Public Schools
Lincoln, NE USA

We decorated 500 bags!

About our project: Lincoln Public Schools consists of 59 schools. We have a comprehensive recycling program at all locations, with students being the 'driving force' at all locations. We started the 'Grocery Project' small, with hopes to expand next year. A local grocery store chain (which has stores throughout the city) donated the bags for 2 elementary schools to participate. The teachers at Kahoa Elementary were told about the project and they could decide if they wanted to participate - they had 100% participation - 410 students! The other school, Pershing Elementary, used the project as an 'after school activity' and decorated 90 bags. The bags were returned to the Russ's Market in Havelock (a community in northern Lincoln). The bags were used on Earth Day and the store manager, Jay Voigt, said the customers enjoyed the bags and appreciated the youth's dedication. Mr. Voigt said he would assist in coordinating the effort in other areas of the city next year! Thanks for the great idea. We look forward to doing it again next year.

submitted on 5/2/2005

Marie Rourke
Howard Kennedy Elementary School
Omaha, NE USA

We decorated 500 bags!

About our project: Howard Kennedy School Tigers decorated 500 bags with Earth Day slogans and pictures. Customers at Baker's Grocery Store on North 30th are enjoying the bags and their messages. The bags are very popular with the cashiers, too. They enjoy sharing the Earth Day project with their customers and have their own purchases bagged in Earth Day bags. Kennedy Tigers showed their stripes and had a roaring good time!

submitted on 4/21/2005