Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2007

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Heather Theophilus
Norfolk Public Montessori School
Norfolk, NE USA

We decorated 400 bags!

About our project: This is the first year in which our parent group has participated in an Earth Day project! The Earth Day Groceries Project was a fun and worthwhile initiative for our students and our local Hy-Vee grocery store! Our kindergarten through third grade students decorated four hundred bags with creative environmental messages and beautiful drawings before returning them to Hy-Vee the Friday before Earth Day! Hy-Vee was as thrilled to have the bags as our students were to make them! Our local newspaper even ran a press release! A big thanks to all of our wonderful staff for helping our parent group complete this project! I sincerely hope our parent group participates again next year!

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/22/2007