Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2006

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Shari Costanzo
Lower Pottsgrove Elementary School
Pottstown, PA USA

We decorated 1000 bags!

About our project: The students and staff decorated 1,000 bags which were donated by Thriftway supermarket from Sanatoga, PA. We hope that our contribution helps the environment!!

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 5/17/2006

Jill Gray
Robert F. Nicely Elementary School
Greensburg, PA USA

We decorated 500 bags!

About our project: About our project: Paper Please....This was our fourth year participating in the Earth Day Bag Project! Once again our faculty eagerly showed their creative ways to incorporate this project into their curriculum. The students designed wonderful brilliantly colored bags that had messages of energy conservation, recycling and natural resource conservation. It was a great way to promote positive environmental messages to our community. Every year they amaze me of their creativity. Many children wanted to design more than one bag. Because our bags go so quickly at the store many of our parents told me that this year they were going to be at Shop 'N Save first thing on Earth Day to say " Paper Please".

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 5/7/2006

Margaret Moore
Kunkel Elementary School
Middletown, PA USA

We decorated 400 bags!

About our project: We decorated close to 400 bags this year. First to fourth graders helped spread the Earth Day message. Kunkel participated with Fox's Markets, a local grocer. The children created artistic bags decorated with environmental messages and designs. We plan to continue this project in the future. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to make a difference!

submitted on 5/4/2006

Sarah Voss
Polk Elementary School
Broadheadsville, PA USA

We decorated 100 bags!

About our project: For student teaching, I decided I wanted to do something fun, educational, and hands-on with my second grade students for Earth Day. I got the backs from Kinsley Shoprite in Broadheadsville, the children decorated the bags with different messages and pictures about helping our earth (as we learned in science class). The children loved it! The bags turned out great. I created a bulletin board about Earth Day as well, and the students are in a picture with their bags, with the bulletin board in the background. It was a great learning experience for me, as well as for the the students.

submitted on 5/3/2006

CathieJo Jacobson
Shohola Elementary School
Shohola, PA USA

We decorated 601 bags!

About our project: In our school, the fourth grade traditionally hosts an Earth Day event for the younger students. As a part of the celebration, the fourth grade "teachers" help the younger students to write messages and create drawings on the grocery bags. It's a wonderful way to share the important message of caring for our Earth, and both the fourth graders and the younger students thoroughly enjoy the experience.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 5/2/2006
